Monday, September 24, 2007

The many faces..

On my trip to India about 3 years ago I visited India like a actuality I was a tourist..I don't have any family or anything there. On my trip to New Delhi I visited a very well known landmark, the Qutumb Minar..a large monumental pillar...there were many other carving around but one of them stood out..the picture above was one of the tops of a guide had informed me that initially the forms had been of Hindu deities, but after the Moguls and taken over India they has chipped away at the heads of the the Islamic religion god has no form or face and art should not reflect the beauty of any of God's living creatures..therefore all animals, humans, and birds had no faces...I saw this again at a couple of other buildings and palaces...if the palace had been owned by a Hindu king, a Raja, and the architecture depicted some form of life, then the animal or deities form had no was very interesting to see that once one group comes in on top of taking things away from the culture before it, they begin to add their own beliefs...

an image of the Qutumb Minar....its now closed for viewing because people used to go and commit suicide from the top..the architecture is beautiful and the fact that people created something so high and beautiful without any heavy artillary...pretty amazing..

Audrey Hepburn for GAP

another great spot that utilizes the effect of a Hollywood legend is Gap's fall 2006 ad campaign for the Audrey black pant.....i love the way that something so classic can be used in such a modern way..

E-Cards..laziness or a helpful gesture for the busy

while i believe in a great card once in a while i find that e-cards really are just a waste of space...while the idea my be great how many of us really take the time to send one out....i mean i would rather go to my local drug store and pick one out...if the person really is that important to me then i should take the time to go and pick out something that has some meaning behind it...e-cards just the fuel the lack of emotion that technology has taken...

Friday, September 21, 2007

the spot below is one of my all time favorites...i love the tension and the riot aspect juxtaposed with the playfullness of a pillowfight..and the song!! i absolutely love the gives the piece a vintagey and fanciful flair...

Absolut Vodka pillowfight

Honda Ad

putting things together...

this is one of my favorite spots just because the enginuity behind the whole concept is amazing....its really great to see how many things go into something so mundane as a car..

Monday, September 17, 2007

crocs of death!!!

so recently the "super comfortable" plastic monstrosity's Crocs have been blamed for many escalator related injuries. Apparently the toes of those wearing Crocs have been getting caught in escalators. Thw Washington Metro and many other subway stations have been posting warning signs warning passengers about the hazards of wearing Crocs on escalators.

i mean if you are that stupid to wear plastic shoes maybe you should get caught in a are supposed to be made of something sturdy not plastic!!!

good as good gets..

Paul Arden wrote that "Its not how good you are, it's how good you want to be"

this holds very true..half the time you do work and you try your best to make it the best that you can. Although criticism hurts sometime, in the end its definately for the good...i might say this but sometimes i would definately feel differently..i mean if i put in a shit load of work into a project and then someone said "this is wrong, and this is all messed up..or this is needs work here and you should definately have done this instead...i would totally get up in their face and be like "screw you know how much effort i put into this damn project...

i mean i would like to believe that my appropriate response would be that i would appreciate their thoughts..but realistically are you kidding me????

Saturday, September 15, 2007

i look forward to the this evry chirstmas..the light show out the saks 5th ave. store in new york city..this is what defines the holiday time for me...

this is another example of superb architectural detail..i love the different hues and textures of the bricks....the colors remind me of a warm donut...every face of this building has a different of variation of stone that is either rough or smooth..the aging of the stone only adds to the beauty of the building...

architecture is the "window" to the soul..

so this is one of a series of pictures that really depict the beauty of architecture....many of us go around and take the facade of a building or the interior of a building for granted...but have you ever stopped to study what the outside of building actually looks like..the emotion that it is trying to convey...????
this particular picture is one that i have fallen in love with..its an image that my girlfriend took of a building at Yale University in Conn...its quite beautiful how the shape of the window is surrounded by the straight and mundane texture of the brick...and the detail in the scrolling is quite emaculate...

Monday, September 10, 2007

WHat the Park????

so recently I got a parking ticket for parking over the alloted time limit on a regular residental street....the street was close to campus and there was no parking for students available....i mean the stupid school charges 230 bucks to park no where..i mean if we cant park on the street where are we supposed to park????


so the below video was a product of a lot of sweat, a lot of hours, and crap load of hard work...what started off as a dream made a group of 12 SMU students national champions!!!.....this will be my third year on the 1st SMU traditional indian dance team and my first year as captain.....we're hoping for the best...check out the video and give us feedback....this was our performance at SMU's Sing Song in 2006....

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


have you ever realized that we as college students need more time!!! i wish everyday had 11 extra every second is needed in a college student's life.... think of the olden times...they had it easier right??? well on top of school all the other crap that you have to do everyday is what takes a toll....i mean club meetings, rehearsals...stuff like that an then there's the concept of homework that has to be accomplish...that slugde-fest of a mountain...ahhh venting feels great..

Monday, September 3, 2007

what i have to say about myself is pretty short...i'm a short person, with a big heart, a stubborn personality and according to my girlfriend an even bigger ego....

i'm definately that guy that is always there when his friends need him, but i'm not beside myself to mention that i secretly want others to give me the same kind of attention that i give them...a little known secret that, i have to say, i'm a bit embarassed to mention....

i love art, music, culture and anything that takes me to another place....i love the world and all that it has to offer...i haven't travelled very much..but i love to travel.....thats a dream of mine, to travel the world.....fingers crossed....hopefully...

thats pretty much me in nutshell.....waiting to explode....hold your breath world...i'm coming.......