Monday, September 24, 2007

The many faces..

On my trip to India about 3 years ago I visited India like a actuality I was a tourist..I don't have any family or anything there. On my trip to New Delhi I visited a very well known landmark, the Qutumb Minar..a large monumental pillar...there were many other carving around but one of them stood out..the picture above was one of the tops of a guide had informed me that initially the forms had been of Hindu deities, but after the Moguls and taken over India they has chipped away at the heads of the the Islamic religion god has no form or face and art should not reflect the beauty of any of God's living creatures..therefore all animals, humans, and birds had no faces...I saw this again at a couple of other buildings and palaces...if the palace had been owned by a Hindu king, a Raja, and the architecture depicted some form of life, then the animal or deities form had no was very interesting to see that once one group comes in on top of taking things away from the culture before it, they begin to add their own beliefs...

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