Thursday, October 18, 2007

to go organic or not??

so yesterday i had dinner at a restaurant that serves 100% organic foods (meats, vegetables, and fruits). now i've never considered ever eating purely organic food, i mean it'd be nice to eat completely organic food but who has the time to cook orgainic foods or pay the money for a purely organic meal. i mean sometimes i feel that because business know that organic foods are good for people they'll charge you double for it...

i've always heard that eating organic foods cures certain diseases, prevents certain diseases and is good for the mind and body in total...i actually know a person that was suffering from cronic depression who switched to eating completely organic and began to get better right off the she's 100% better and is completely off the use of depression medications.

so i guess switching to complete organic would be the smart thing to do..i mean nothing to lose..if only it wasn;t so damn expensive...

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