Saturday, October 13, 2007

what's in a lie..really??

why is lieing something that people take so seriously at times. i understand that no one likes to be lied to, but if you think about every person in the entire world has lied at least once. TV lies to us, the government lies to us, our own parents have lied to what is it that makes lieing ok or not ok? sometimes we have to lie and sometimes we lie so that we don't get hurt or that we don't hurt others. dishonesty is a facet of our lives and as much as we try to stop it, it will why is it so bad? we have to believe that sometimes lieing really does help or really does occur to spare our feelings and emotions. if inherently all men are good at heart, does lieing make them not good people, or is it just a simple mistake that a good person makes?

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