Monday, November 26, 2007

some GOING GREEN editorial cartoons..

solely for enjoyments sake...


we're all being bombarded about "going green" and its exciting to see how this trend is effecting everything in our lives..from light bulbs, to energy saving vehicles, to organic product, the thrive to "go green" is swiftly sweeping the world. slowly things will begin to change and we will live in a healthier and energy efficient world. the only sad thing is that it took the impending destruction of the environment for us to begin to view the way that we are destroying the world around us...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

the cost of style..

everyone wants to be stylish and in style yet something i never seem to understand is how far people are willing to go to be in style...people drop hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in luxury handbags, expensive jewellery, and designer clothing to fit in and be stylish..even lower end store are creating clothing and axccessories that are are more stylish and trend driven...its scary to think that people will spend a month's rent on a pair of shoes, or go into debt to buy what everyone else has..i mean i fall into the same boat, we all have at some point, but honestly how much worse is it going to get.. i know people that are literally thousands of dollars in credit card debt because they feel the need to buy the expensive things that others...i guess we're all wrapped around the fingers of celebrities and mass media...

Friday, November 23, 2007

Situational Religion

the world has had countless wars based solely on difference of religion...and many of these wars happened due to the lack of respect and understanding of others and their beliefs. many people wonder why Muslims allow polygamy as part of their religion, or why Hindus believe in a caste system..all one needs to do is look at the history of these religions to find that the answer lies in the fact that these things are a form of situational religious practices...back in the early days, Muslim villages had very few men in ratio to the number of in order to provide care to these women, men had 3 or 4 wives...time moves on and culture blends with religion to create the misconception that we all see...Hindu's face a similar situation...the Aryan race viewed themselves as greater than the non-Aryans...hence they created the caste system depending upon the individuals closeness, ancestrally, to the Aryan race...again culture merged with religion and the caste system became confused with Hinduism...

the bottom line is that all religions share the same values and beliefs, specifically about loving one another, its only the cultural situations that alter religious beliefs...LOVE ALL, SERVE ALL

Thursday, November 22, 2007

what professionalism really means....

its funny to hear people talk about the fact that they only want to marry a lawyer, a doctor, or someone that hold a high position is a dominant many cases our parents want us to marry a person like a doctor or lawyer because they believe that those are the only people that can take care of us...but is that what "professionalism" is has started to become to a certain extent...we only get jobs that extude a professional title so that we can have everything we want including a person that is just marrying us for what we have...and then there are those people that are so career driven that they're 35 and alone because they never made the time to socialize or date..these are the people that end up depending on their title to get them a mate...its funny just to realize and witness....

Thursday, November 15, 2007

so i went to mcdonald's in china, paris and brazil...

it seems like mcdonalds is everywhere..its not just mcdonalds, it starbucks, gap, and even seems like we'll never have to worry about finding a place that we're comfortable shopping at because we know that company...while the effects of globalism may negatively affect the world by the loss of culture, globalism has been catered to alleviate this negative changes its menus to accommodate the culture of the country they are india they do not serve any beef products, but instead subtitute curries and other indian alternatives, in saudi arabia they serve only halal, or prayed on, meat and no pork products...wal-mart is following in the same way..wal-mart caters the products they sell to accommodate the countries they are located in..while many people think that globalism will change the diveristy of the world, many disagree and state that globalism is helping the world by helping to bring up the economy of third world countries...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The power of PERCEPTION...

we all use the power of perception everyday..we see something and think something else...more often than not we use the power of perception in the judgement of others...if a person is an active member in musical theater they're perceived as gay, or if a person enjoys rap music they're perceived as ghetto...many of the wrong decisions we make are created because of the wrong perception. we create an image of a person based upon what society hsa taugt us or told us. We use society's perception as our own. it's our job to step outside the box, to view things in a new light, and give peoplw a chance. Making our perceptions positive will inturn positively affect the world around us. People percieve African-Americans as drug-dealing gangsters, Jews as stingy money-grabber, and Asians as intellgent pigs who lack every form of cleanliness. Banishing these perceptions form our minds, we will be able to destroy judgement and be able to see people for the positive things they bring.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

David Bohm on perception

a little discussion about the actual mechanics behind perception and its scientific value in our lives.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


design really does have a huge impact on our lives...think out those ridiculously well designed building with impeccable make you feel special, like you are part of an art piece...having an eye for design, i've always noticed the smallest of details, the use of color, texture, shapes, and the way they play off each other..i never realized how much color effects the psyche of a person...a room filled with tones of greys and blues, and uses materials of steel and cement, lend a feeling of order, cleanliness, and direction, while also conveying a feeling of coldness and solidarity. rooms filled with reds and browns, and filled with materials like rattan, wood, and natural fibers convey feelings of warmth and relaxation. places that are neat, organized and symmetrical allow people to feel that they are in a place of order, while a place that is disheveled conveys a feeling of unorder and disorganization. its amazing how little things can affect the way we think and percieve things...the power of the mind..its amazing

Sunday, November 4, 2007

poverty..its in our backyard

its crazy how we see those commercials late at night about those children around the world that are suffering from poverty, but we never think about the fact that there are many people that are suffering from poverty in our own backyards...think about the all the people you see begging on the streets (yeah some are faking it, but others really are suffering), the children with their mothers sleeping in the coves of buildings in downtown, or even the random people you notice walking down the street carrying everything they own in a plastic bag...before going out and helping others that are miles away from home (although we should help) we should look at those in our own neighborhoods or cities...i've always learned that it is great to help others, but helping others should start at home before you go out and help others...go to homeless shelters or find other city programs and get ideas...its the best way to get started...spread the message and those that are less fortunate..especially during this holiday season..

Saturday, November 3, 2007

The power of positivity!!

i've always been told to handle every struggle in my life with a positive attitude. My mother used to tell me that a positive attitude can change any situation and allows you to think clearly. i recently had many opportunities to take a bad situation and turn it around with nothing more than a positive attitude. i have to say that it really does work. the most important thing i realized was that it releases all the negative energy from the situation. i've dealt with situations with a negative attitude and in the end everything falls apart. even after all the work i put into it, it falls apart. to have a postive attitude really requires no effort at all as long as you take things lightly and look at the big picture. the lesson: always be positive and a positive outcome is sure to occur (its quite corny i know, but honestly it works)..

Friday, November 2, 2007

Online Oxygen

i recently chanced upon some information about "online oxygen" its not oxygen provided online but a phrase used to describe the infiltration of internet into our daily lives. the internet is now at our fingertips..we can access it on our phones, we have cafes designed just for people to use the internet, internet systems run businesses, people now pay their bills and manage their accounts online, and email has completely taken over as an immediate form of comunication.every aspect of our lives revolves around the internet and what it has to offer..before we know it things we take for granted will be run through the internet...the only worry that people are starting to have is what is going to happen when we run out of space on the internet..what will happen then..maybe a new form of data technology will take will be very exciting to see what the possibilites may be..