Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The power of PERCEPTION...

we all use the power of perception everyday..we see something and think something else...more often than not we use the power of perception in the judgement of others...if a person is an active member in musical theater they're perceived as gay, or if a person enjoys rap music they're perceived as ghetto...many of the wrong decisions we make are created because of the wrong perception. we create an image of a person based upon what society hsa taugt us or told us. We use society's perception as our own. it's our job to step outside the box, to view things in a new light, and give peoplw a chance. Making our perceptions positive will inturn positively affect the world around us. People percieve African-Americans as drug-dealing gangsters, Jews as stingy money-grabber, and Asians as intellgent pigs who lack every form of cleanliness. Banishing these perceptions form our minds, we will be able to destroy judgement and be able to see people for the positive things they bring.

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