Wednesday, November 7, 2007


design really does have a huge impact on our lives...think out those ridiculously well designed building with impeccable make you feel special, like you are part of an art piece...having an eye for design, i've always noticed the smallest of details, the use of color, texture, shapes, and the way they play off each other..i never realized how much color effects the psyche of a person...a room filled with tones of greys and blues, and uses materials of steel and cement, lend a feeling of order, cleanliness, and direction, while also conveying a feeling of coldness and solidarity. rooms filled with reds and browns, and filled with materials like rattan, wood, and natural fibers convey feelings of warmth and relaxation. places that are neat, organized and symmetrical allow people to feel that they are in a place of order, while a place that is disheveled conveys a feeling of unorder and disorganization. its amazing how little things can affect the way we think and percieve things...the power of the mind..its amazing

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